Saskatoon City Hospital is a busy place, with more than 200,000 patient procedures and visits every year. The hospital offers the full cycle of healthcare, from diagnostics to treatment to recovery.

At every step of the cycle, equipment is crucial. Having the latest and best equipment means faster and more accurate diagnoses. The right diagnosis leads to improved decisions about treatment. The better the treatment, the better the recovery.

By sponsoring the 2024 Swinging with the Stars, you’ll be supporting Saskatoon City Hospital Foundation Equip for Excellence campaign. This is a multi-year, multimillion dollar campaign to ensure that hospital staff are working superior equipment. As one employee said, “you give us the best, we’ll do the rest.

You’ll provide the best diagnostic equipment

Equipment such as a new ultrasound in the Diagnostic Imaging department. Current equipment is more than 15 years old and beyond its best by date. New equipment will ensure thousands of patients every can be seen in timely fashion. Improved technology means better resolution and clearing imaging.

You’ll support the best treatment

Treatments like state of the art tools in the Eye Care Centre and the hospital’s eye surgery suite. Every year, hundreds of patients are treated for issues such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, and detached retinas. Your efforts give the hospital’s talented ophthalmologists the tools to preserve and save people’s vision.

You’ll support the best recovery

Great healthcare at Saskatoon City Hospital doesn’t stop after treatment, especially after procedures such as surgery. Nurses will look after you until you’re ready. IVs equipment and monitors are crucial while specialty air mattresses prevent pressure points and bedsores in the most immobile of patients.

If you’d like more specific information about current needs, call the Foundation at 306-655-8489 or email [email protected].